Life Is Strange was created by Dontnod Entertainment, and released on January 30, 2015. It follows the story of Max Caulfield, an 18-year-old from Arcadia Bay who studies to become a photographer, and discovers that she can rewind time. Through a series of 5fiveepisodes, players make various choices that will adjust the course of the story and its ending. The player can only go back in time a few times per action/choice, so it's important to choose carefully if they want the best outcome.


Life is Strange: How Long to Beat?

The game won the hearts of many fans, who grew attached to the characters Max and Chloe. Fans of the game can also play Life Is Strange: Before The Storm, a prequel to the first game, with Chloe as the protagonist. Life Is Strange 2, centers on two brothers, Sean and Daniel. The most recent title, Life Is Strange: True Colors, came out in 2021 and focuses on Alex Chen, one of the best female characters of that year. For fans of the original Life Is Strange, the Remastered Collection is finally available on Nintendo Switch. In honor of its release, let's revisit the best quotes of the game.

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10 "Everybody Lies. No Exceptions."

Everybody Lies No Exception Life IsStrange Quote

This quote is found on one of Chloe's bedroom walls. Players visit Chloe's bedroom in Episode 1: "Chrysalis," Episode 3: "Chaos Theory," and Episode 4: "Dark Room." Her room can also be explored in Before The Storm.

There might not be any explanation as to why Chloe has written that quote on her wall, but fans can get an idea nonetheless. Chloe has been known to lie about her whereabouts or to protect her friends, and she's also been lied to a couple of times, so it is fitting for her character to have it written there.

9 "Everybody Pretends To Care Until They Don't."

Life Is Strange Picture Of Max And Chloe On A Bed Sitting

This quote is said by Chloe in the episode "Chaos Theory," when she is driving Max back to Blackwell Academy, and they have an argument about Rachel. Chloe is angry because she just found out that her best friend, Rachel, had lied and betrayed her trust.

In most coming-of-age stories, whether it's in a game or movie, there's always at least one character who can relate to that quote. Most players can relate to Chloe if they've experience something similar with friends or family members.

8 "Always Take The Shot. My Number One Rule In Photography."

Always Take The Shot Life Is Strange Jefferson, Kate And David

Although many fans have come to hate Professor Jefferson (and all rightfully so), they can't deny that this quote he said in the episode "Out of Time" is good. If Max had thought of this advice sooner, she could have taken a picture of Kate Marsh's argument with David Madsen, and had proof that the security guard was in the wrong.

Fans particularly love this quote because it applies to many situations in life. It encourages them to just "take the shot," and go after things they want in life without hesitation.

7 "I Pledge Allegiance To Max And The Power For Which She Stands..."

Collage Of Life Is Strange Chloe And Max At The Diner

In the episode "Out Of Time" Chloe is sitting in a booth at the Diner with Max. Max confesses her ability to rewind time, but Chloe doesn't believe her without proof.

Max then proceeds to accurately guess what Chloe is carrying in her pockets. Even though Chloe is surprised by her talent, she demands to be told the immediate future as more proof. Max does exactly that by predicting a series of events and blows Chloe's mind. Chloe is so in awe by Max's supernatural power that she bows over the table, pledging alliance.

6 "I Wish I Could Stay In This Moment Forever. I Guess I Actually Can Now. But Then It Wouldn't Be A Moment."

Life Is Strange Max At The Diner Waiting For Chloe With Joyce

Max says this while sitting at the Diner in the episode "Out Of Time." She just ordered some breakfast and while she is waiting for Chloe to arrive, the player has the option to look out of the window. If the player chooses to do this, they will hear Max say this quote to herself while observing the lighthouse.

This is one of the best quotes because she is right. Although some people would love to stay in a precise moment, the moment would lose its significance, and it wouldn't be as special anymore.

5 "When A Door Closes, A Window Opens... Or, Something Like That."

Close Up Of Max Caulfield Life Is Strange

Max Caulfield says this quote in the very first episode, around the 20-minute mark. She's in the girls' bathroom and sees a blue butterfly. As if feeling inspired by it, she says the quote to herself before giving the player the option of capturing the moment with a picture.

Life is Strange Fans Should Look Forward to We Are OFK

This quote is memorable because even though everyone has heard the sentiment before, Max gives it a cute and funny twist. It's also the quote that begins the course of the story by "opening a window" to the main character and giving her unique opportunity.

4 "I Love That You're My Partner In Crime." "As Long As You're My Partner In Time."

Life Is Strange Collage Of Max And Chloe Sneaking In

In the third episode of the narrative adventure, Max and Chloe sneak into the school in the middle of the night. Max says: "I love that you're my partner in crime," to which Chloe responds, "As long as you're my partner in time."

This may be a cheesy moment due to the bad pun and rhyme, but fans love it nevertheless. It's cute and perfectly represents the duo's dynamic and personality. While Max is more serious, Chloe is there to loosen her up and make the night more fun.

3 "My Powers Might Not Last, Chloe." "That's Okay. We Will. Forever."

Life Is Strange Chloe And Max Holding Hands On A Train Track

This is said in the second episode of the game when Chloe takes Max to her secret lair to hang out and shoot empty bottles with a gun. After an unfortunate encounter with Frank, the girls go for a walk on the train tracks where Chloe almost dies. After being saved by Max (once again), the two have this sweet exchange.

This cute moment proves that Chloe's friendship is not solely based on the fact that Max has powers. Rather, their bond is unbreakable.

2 "Even Angels Need Angels, Max."

Life Is Strange Collage Of Kate Sitting, Drawing And Hugging Max

This beautiful quote is said to Max by Kate in the "Dark Room" episode for the players who managed to save Kate. When Max visits her in the hospital, they talk for a while about the recent events, and how they care about each other. When they move on to the topic of love interests, Kate mentions Warren and encourage her to date him. She tells her, "Even angels need angels, Max."

This quote is powerful and one of the best, because it speaks the truth and applies to many scenarios. Life isn't meant to be carried like a burden by one person. It's okay to rely on others and need help or take a break.

1 "Wherever I End Up After This... In Whatever Reality... All Those Moments Between Us Were Real, And They'll Always Be Ours."

Life Is Strange Max And Chloe Tornado And Rain

This might be one of the saddest quotes of the game, because those who have played it before, know what is coming. The quote is said by Chloe, in the last episode, when she is trying to convince Max to go back in time and make the right decision.

Although she makes many valid points as to why Max should listen to her, this quote is heartbreaking to hear. It makes fans emotional, especially when they are faced with the final and hardest decision of the game.

Ways Life Is Strange: True Colors Is Better Than Previous Games (And Ways It's Not)